

If you have reason to dismiss one of your employees then you need to make sure you follow the correct procedure. If you don't then the employee may be able to claim unfair dismissal and could have a valid claim against you.

Therefore it's important to make sure you've covered everything at every stage, which is where we come in. This can be a time consuming job and very easy to overlook something important. However with our experience in this area we can make sure that you have a strong case and that you're not affecting any of your worker's rights or contradicting their contract of employment.

Before you can dismiss an employee you must follow a fair disciplinary procedure, which gives them the chance to appeal any decision and put forward their case. This procedure still needs to be adhered to even if you feel that there is a clear case with adequate grounds for dismissal.

You must be able to show that you're acting fairly and that you're justified in dismissing an employee. For example if they've done something wrong which other employees have got away with, it may be very difficult to make your case. 


  • Continually missing work
  • Poor discipline
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Theft or dishonesty
  • Unable to keep up with company changes
  • Disagreements with colleagues
  • Long-term or persistent illness

We can also help if you need to amend company policies or update an employee handbook.

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Let's talk

To discuss any employment issues please give us a call on 01276 28040 now, or drop us your details below and we'll give you a call back at a time that suits you.